El Colibri / Julio S.
Performed Dec 03, 2006
(1:09 / 3 MB)
remarked that El Colibri is supposed to be played in "Imitation
of the flight of the Humming-bird" (A South American bird with
fast rotating wings.)
El Colibri is a preferred piece to play and of course to experiment with different
speeds and techniques. I like the part after the chromatic scale passage, where
the fast tremolo sounds like a Humming-bird.
Every now and then, I play it at a metronome speed of 250, but it all sound like
an entangled crazy humming bird.
The big loud Diminished Seventh chord at the end is a strong start to the ending,
and I like how the scale passage comes straight after followed by the harmonics,
then silence.
The humming bird is finally resting and it's quiet now. Phew.
Sagreras dedicated this piece to his daughter Clelia.
I dedicate this performance to my teacher Alfred
Alexander and my friend Tom