Pepe opened with Giuliani's Grande Ouverture, Op. 61 |
I was lucky to be part of the Koblenz Guitar Festival, and see one of my guitar heroes up-close. |
Pepe Romero is very warm and friendly, with a good sense of humour. |
From left to right: Gennadiy Pilch
(Journalist for a Russian Magazine), Pepe Romero and Alexander
Sergei Ramirez. As you will notice from Pepe's shirt, it was very hot in
the hall on that night. |
It was dreamy like, listening to Pepe saying with a Spanish accent, "And what is your name Senorita?" |
Romero ~ Internationales
Pfingstseminar Koblenz Guitar Festival ~ May 2007

you have met Pepe
Romero before, you would know that he’s very warm and
I was lucky to watch his concert on Saturday night, May 26 at the Kammermusiksaal
der Rhein-Mosel-Halle, a special guest of the Internationales
Pfingstseminar Koblenz Guitar Festival.
On the concert night, the weather outside was very windy, and the accordion timber
panels separating the concert hall from backstage were squeezed by the chairs
leaning on them and squeaking at random. So with every squeak you hear murmurs
from the audience and scattered giggles.
And for some reason, it was too hot inside. Perhaps because of the full house
and the air-conditioning couldn’t keep up or it was turned off to keep
the whirring down.
Anyhow, Pepe, being the professional that he was, let neither the rising heat
nor the occasional noise distract his breathtaking playing.
After the concert, I anxiously rushed towards the exit to finally meet the meastro
and I was very surprised to see him relaxing in the room backstage, probably
cooling down from the hot atmosphere in the hall. I curiously poked my head in
but I believe he asked his assistant to close the door just for a little and
I felt for a split second I should not behave like the press so I walked away.
Then he came out to meet the audience. I was kindly introduced to Pepe by classical
guitarist Alexander Ramirez.
And something quite strange happened. Pepe came and gave me a hug and I thought, “What’s
going on here?”
But I hugged him back and then he asked what was my name again so he could sign
the booklet. I then asked, “My teacher, Alfred Alexander is a very big
fan of yours so could you please sign another booklet for him? He cheerfully
It felt strange and dreamy that I had just met Pepe Romero.
Concert program included:
Mauro Giuliani ~ Grande Ouverture, Op. 61
Fernando sor ~ Introduktion, Thema and Variationen,
Op. 9 aus Mozarts Zauberflote
Johann Sebastian Bach ~ Partita No. 2
fur Violine solo (Arr. Romero)
Leo Brouwer ~ Elogio de la Danza
Manuel Ponce ~ Tres Canciones Populares
Mexicanas; La Pajarera; Por ti mi Corazon; La Valentina
Gerardo Hernan Matos Rodrigues ~ La Comparsita
Francisco Tarrega ~ Tango Maria
Pepe Romero ~ Farrucas (Arr. Romero)
Celedonio Romero ~ Fantasia Cubana